Disclaimer & Copyright

1. Copyright

Borneo Speaks and borneospeaks.my and its namesake associations on social media are copyrighted by Bayu Media 2020. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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Borneo Speaks takes full consideration of the articles, information, photos and words (“materials”) prior to publication of such materials on the website and social media channels. We make decisions to the best of our knowledge prior and/ or at the time of publication, and take care of the accuracy of such information given to us at that time. However, we cannot be held liable for any input by an external source to the materials we published.

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Please read our entire Editorial Policy here (to be updated). 

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We encourage user-generated comments on any of the materials posted on Borneo Speaks and its namesake associations. However, we reserve the right to moderate the comments before publication of comments, and/ or for modification and removal of in part and/ or in whole of such comments when and/ or where necessary.

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